Faisal Basri Sanggah Balik Komentar Jokowi Soal Hilirisasi: 'Angka yang Disampaikan Presiden Tidak Jelas'

Faisal Basri Sanggah Balik Komentar Jokowi Soal Hilirisasi: 'Angka yang Disampaikan Presiden Tidak Jelas'

Ekonom senior INDEF, Faisal Basri.--Istimewa

JAKARTA, POSTINGNEWS.ID - Faisal Basri, Ekonom Senior dari Institute for Development of Economics and Finance (Indef), menanggapi balik komentar Presiden Joko Widodo.
Faisal sebelumnya mengkritik kebijakan hilirisasi yang menurutnya hanya menguntungkan negara lain, terutama Cina.
Namun, Presiden Jokowi menanggapi dengan data yang menunjukkan peningkatan nilai hasil hilirisasi.
Faisal pun mempertanyakan keabsahan angka yang dihadirkan oleh pemerintah.
Faisal menilai bahwa data yang dihadirkan Presiden tidak transparan, dan ia ingin membuktikan bahwa manfaat kebijakan hilirisasi nikel masih diperdebatkan.
"Angka-angka yang disampaikan Presiden tidak jelas," Faisal menyanggah balik, Jumat (11/8).
Faisal juga membahas perbedaan data terkait ekspor besi dan baja hasil hilirisasi.
Meski mengakui peningkatan ekspor yang signifikan, Faisal mengingatkan lagi apakah pendapatan tersebut benar-benar menguntungkan Indonesia.
Menurut Faisal, semua perusahaan pengolahan bijih nikel dimiliki oleh Cina.
"Apakah uang hasil ekspor mengalir ke Indonesia?" tanya Faisal.
Faisal juga membedakan perlakuan pajak terhadap ekspor nikel dengan produk lain seperti sawit yang dikenakan pajak ekspor dan bea keluar oleh pemerintah.
"Penerimaan pemerintah dari ekspor semua jenis produk smelter nikel nihil," kata dia.
Ia menegaskan bahwa ekspor olahan bijih nikel tidak dikenakan pajak atau pungutan serupa, sehingga penerimaan pemerintah dari produk tersebut sangat terbatas.
Selain itu, Faisal menjelaskan bagaimana perusahaan pengolahan bijih nikel asal Cina mendapatkan insentif tax holiday yang membuatnya bebas dari pajak keuntungan badan.
English Version
Faisal Basri, senior economist at the Institute of Economic Development  and Finance (INDEF), responded to President Joko Widodo's remarks.
Faisal had previously criticized downstream measures, which he said would only benefit other countries, notably China. However,
CEO Jokowi responded with data showing an increase in the value of downstream production.

Faisal also questioned the validity of the figures presented by the government.
Faisal felt that the data presented by the President was not transparent and wanted to show that the benefits of downstream nickel policy were still being debated.

"The president's numbers are unclear," denied Faisal on Friday (11/8).
Faisal also examined the differences in the data on the exports of downstream steel products.

Faisal acknowledged the significant increase in exports and confirmed whether the proceeds would actually benefit Indonesia.

According to Faisal, all companies that process nickel ore are Chinese-owned.

"Do export earnings go to Indonesia?asked Feisal.

Faisal also differentiated the tax treatment of nickel exports from that of other products, such as palm oil, which were subject to state-imposed export taxes and tariffs.  
"The government's export revenue for all types of smelted nickel products is zero," he said.

Brazil pointed out that the export of refined nickel ore is not subject to any taxes or similar levies and that government revenues from these products are therefore very limited.  

In addition, Faisal explained how a Chinese nickel ore processing company received an incentive in the form of a tax exemption that exempted it from corporate income tax.

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