5. Usahan dalam membungkusnya rapat dan tidak bocor.
Siomay siap disantap! Jangan lupa dicocol ke kecap atau saus tomat, sesuai selera.
BACA JUGA:Sudah Tahu? Ini 5 Manfaat Minyak Kemiri Lengkap dengan Cara Membuatnya
English Version :
JAKARTA, POSTINGNEWS.ID - If you are on a diet program and want to eat dumplings, of course you can.
You can make dumplings at home with your own ingredients where the ingredients are very low in calories for you to eat.
Siomay is a famous food from Bandung with a shape similar to dimsum.
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Generally, the ingredients for siomay are a mixture of chicken, fish and shrimp.
This time, the low-calorie dumplings are made from vegetables which can improve your digestion.
The main ingredients of this low-calorie dumpling are white mustard greens and tofu.
Making these dumplings desn't require oil, you just steam them.
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Mustard greens are a low-calorie food but are rich in nutrition and nutrients.
The nutrients contained in chicory include: air, protein, carbohydrates, calcium, phosphorus, iron, sodium, potassium, folate, beta carotene.
This vegetable has many benefits, starting from reducing heart risk, protecting the body from inflammation, healthy and strong bones, lowering blood pressure, healthy digestive tract, regulating sugar levels, to preventing anemia.