Komeng Muncul di Surat Suara DPD RI Dapil Jabar, Netizen Coblos Gegara Fotonya Kocak

komeng jadi caleg dpd-Komeng-X
It can be seen that Komeng is number 10 on the West Java DPD legislative candidate's ballot with the name Alfiansyah Komeng.
In the photo on the ballot, Komeng used a photo with a humorous pose.
Komeng is wearing a blue shirt, with his head tilted slightly to the right with his eyes slightly bulging.
Previously, Komeng himself stated that he was running as a DPD RI legislative candidate from West Java to bring the aspirations of arts and culture to the West Java region.
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Komeng also promised that if elected he would pay attention to regional arts and culture that receive less attention.
With Komeng's viral progress as a legislative candidate, many comments were posted on the account.
"Even though the DPD is not very useful, said @Fahrihamzah, what's more, the DPD is one of the councils that he will lose if he becomes president, he says he can't be president. Hopefully Komeng will still be uhuy!" tweeted netizens.
"Uhuy life for the people," commented another netizen.
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"I'm confused about who to vote for. Finally there's a comment photo. I'll just vote," wrote a netizen.
"I chose it because the photo is hilarious," wrote a netizen.
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