5 Manfaat Merawat Tanaman di Rumah, Biar Nggak Stres Banget Nih!

5 Manfaat Merawat Tanaman di Rumah, Biar Nggak Stres Banget Nih!

Kebiasaan Ini Menjadi Manfaat! 5 Manfaat Merawat Tanaman Buat Lo--freepik

Apart from providing visual beauty, a study published by the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health shows that caring for plants has better benefits for the body than simply putting fake plants as decoration. In this study, 24 elementary school students were placed in different classrooms, one of which had live plants.

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Their brains were observed using an electroencephalogram (EEG) while they studied in each room. It turned out that students who were in a room with live plants had better focus and concentrated more easily than students who were in another room.

3. Helps overcome mental disorders

Caring for plants can also be an effective therapy in treating various mental problems. Studies from the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough NHS Foundation show that plants can help improve mood in people with depression, dementia, anxiety and other mental disorders.

Garden therapy is increasingly being seriously considered by mental therapy experts as a recommended method.

4. Helps the recovery process after illness

After you are sick, you may not be able to immediately take care of plants. However, just looking at plants can help the body's recovery process.

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Research conducted by the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine on several patients who had just undergone surgery showed that those who saw plants during the recovery period stabilized more quickly than those who did not see plants.

5. Increase work productivity

Not only at home, caring for plants can also provide a number of benefits in the work environment. A study published by the Journal of Experimental Psychology shows that employees who work in offices that have live plants get sick less often.

In fact, studies conducted in the Netherlands and England show that placing plants in the work environment can increase productivity by as much as 15%.

Thus, caring for plants not only provides visual beauty to the room, but also has various positive benefits for health. By carrying out this hobby, you not only make the environment greener, but you can also care for your physical and mental health.

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