10 Cara Menjaga Daya Tahan Tubuh Agar Tidak Gampang Sakit Saat Musim Hujan!

10 Cara Menjaga Daya Tahan Tubuh Agar Tidak Gampang Sakit Saat Musim Hujan!

10 Cara Menjaga Daya Tahan Tubuh Agar Tidak Gampang Sakit Saat Musim Hujan!-Ilustrasi-pixabay

-Avoid touching your face, especially your nose, mouth and eyes, without washing your hands first.

5. Physical Activity:

-Stay active by exercising regularly to improve blood circulation and the immune system.

-Choose indoor sports if the weather is bad.

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6. Wear Appropriate Clothing:

-Wear warm and dry clothes to protect the body from wet and cold weather.

-Make sure to change out of wet clothes immediately after exposure to rain.

7. Additional Supplements:

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-If necessary, consult a health professional regarding additional supplements, such as vitamin D or multivitamins, to support the immune system.

8. Avoid Places at High Risk of Disease:

-Avoid places that have a high risk of disease transmission, especially during flu season or other infectious diseases.

9. Vaccination:

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