Resep Siomay Khusus Kamu yang Lagi Diet Rendah Kalori, Eank dan Sehatnya Sama-sama Dapet!

Resep Siomay Khusus Kamu yang Lagi Diet Rendah Kalori, Eank dan Sehatnya Sama-sama Dapet!

siomay untuk diet-@cookpad-Instagram

Mustard greens are a low-calorie food but are rich in nutrition and nutrients.

The nutrients contained in chicory include: air, protein, carbohydrates, calcium, phosphorus, iron, sodium, potassium, folate, beta carotene.

This vegetable has many benefits, starting from reducing heart risk, protecting the body from inflammation, healthy and strong bones, lowering blood pressure, healthy digestive tract, regulating sugar levels, to preventing anemia.

Come on, let's just follow how to make it and also the ingredients you have to prepare to make these low-calorie dumplings:

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The materials you must prepare are:

- 100 grams of steamed white mustard greens

- 100 grams of tofu (mashed using a fork)

- 1 egg

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- 2 carrots (grated using a cheese grater)

- 1 clove of garlic (grated according to taste)

- Salt to taste

- Mushroom broth (to taste)

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