Tega! Seorang Tante Mutilasi Keponakannya Sendiri Demi Gaet Perhiasan di Tubuhnya

anak kecil dimutilasi tantenya---Pixabay
This incident was confirmed by the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit for the Boltim Police, AKP Denny Tampenawas.
Denny said that currently there are no other perpetrators, namely his aunt.
It is known from the results of the investigation between the perpetrator and the victim that there was no conflict.
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"To date, the results of the investigation show no conflict between the perpetrator and the victim's family," he explained.
This happened because the perpetrator really liked luxury style.
"But it is indeed based on the perpetrator's economy, because the perpetrator likes to live a simple life, so to fulfill those needs the person concerned immediately came to such a conclusion," he explained.
The perpetrator targeted the victim's jewelry for his possession.
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The discovery of this small child's body was very tragic, with the head and body separated because they had been mutilated.
It is known that the victim's body was found in a coconut plantation owned by residents.
In fact, the child often played at the perpetrator's house because he thought that the perpetrator was really his aunt.
"The victim often played here (the perpetrator's house) because she was considered an aunt," said the victim's neighbor, Apri Sarundeng.
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Neighbors admitted that there was nothing suspicious about the perpetrator.
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