Kronologi Penangkapan Ustadz Cabul di Kampung Dukuh: Kabur ke Pedalaman Serang!

Kronologi Penangkapan Ustadz Cabul di Kampung Dukuh : Kabur ke Pedalaman Serang-@info_ciledug-Instagram
Polisi memburu Wahyudin sejak awal Januari 2025 ketika sejumlah orang tua korban melaporkan perbuatan cabul guru ngaji tersebut.
English Version :
JAKARTA, POSTINGNEWS.ID - Reassuring news has come that the Ustadz who committed sexual harassment in Dukuh Village has been arrested.
The Ustadz who committed the abuse reportedly fled for 2 months to the interior of Serang.
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Police arrested Wahyudin in Seuat Village, Serang Regency, Banten on Wednesday 29 January 2025.
Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya, Kombes Ade Ary Syam Indradi, said that currently Wahyudin has been named a suspect in the case of molestation of his own Koran reciting student child.
Previously, the suspect had been on the run since November 29 2024, a month before the police received a report from the victim's parents.
When arrested, the police team confiscated a number of pieces of evidence in the form of three cellphones, a number of ATM cards and IDR 21.3 million in cash in various denominations.
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Tangerang City Metro Police Chief Commissioner Zain Nugroho said that his party received a report from the victim's parents on December 23 2024.
After receiving the report, Tangerang Police PPA Unit personnel took the victim for a post-mortem to complete the administration of the investigation.
On December 23, the police also questioned the complainant, victim and witnesses.
"He has been arrested by Polda Metro Jaya," said Tangerang City Police Chief Commissioner Zain Nugroho at Polda Metro Jaya Thursday 30 January 2025.
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