2 Tips Diet Ala Anak Presiden Jokowi Kahiyang Ayu, Ampuh Turun 30Kg Loh, Mau Coba?

2 Tips Diet Ala Anak Presiden Jokowi Kahiyang Ayu, Ampuh Turun 30Kg Loh, Mau Coba?

diet ala kahiyang ayu-@intipseleb-Instagram

There are many things people say that make them end up going on a diet.

It turns out that there are several factors that influence Kahiyang Ayu's diet which you can know, some of which are:

1. Promise

It turns out that Kahiyang Ayu herself has promised to go on a diet.

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This diet had been planned several years before, but because it took too much time to realize it, it only took place some time ago.

2. Scorn from other people

Kahiyang Ayu often got ridiculed before, namely that she was very fat.

Even though Kahiyang Ayu went on a diet that started with her feeling uncomfortable with people's words, it was thanks to that scorn that she was able to develop a passionate spirit to lose weight.

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For those of you who want to lose weight like Kahiyang Ayu, the key to success is intention and consistency.

Because if you are not consistent then you will not get the results that match your expectations.

The diet that Kahiyang follows is to control the food that comes in and only eat once a day as long as nutrition is met.

Because if you eat an unhealthy diet, there will definitely be side effects that will appear before your eyes.

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