Denny Cagur Habiskan Uang Miliaran untuk Kampanye: Ini Kan Hajat Besar

Denny Cagur Habiskan Uang Miliaran untuk Kampanye: Ini Kan Hajat Besar

denny cagur maju jadi dpr dapil 2-@intipseleb-Instagram

Perolehan suara Denny Cagur mengalahkan dua caleg PDIP lain yakni artis Hengki Kurniawan yang merupakan mantan Bupati Bandung Barat (48.428) dan incumbent H. Yadi Srimulyadi (21.414).

Sampai saat ini Denny tetap menunggu hasil yang pasti untuk memastikan dirinya benar adanya lolos.

English Version : 

JAKARTA, POSTINGNEWS.ID - Denny Cagur spent billions of rupiah to run the campaign period.

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Denny Cagur dared to spend that much money because he was optimistic about being elected as a member of the DPR for Electoral District 2 of West Java.

So far, the interim results show that Denny has succeeded in becoming the DPZR for Dapil 2 West Java.

However, Denny remained patiently waiting for the final results from the General Election Commission (KPU).

"We do need operational costs, such as APK (Campaign Props) costs. Considering that this is a big event, there is a lot that needs to be done and prepared," said Denny Cagur in Jakarta Wednesday, March 13 2024.

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"And indeed I prepare when I am going to take part in whatever I have prepared beforehand. If you look at this phenomenon, there will definitely be costs incurred for the nomination," he continued.

"Oh, I've never done the total, because the number of APKs has been released, so I don't know at all. Maybe it could be (up to billions)," he said.

Even though it is classified as a hellish electoral district because it is filled with a number of senior politicians and artists, Denny Cagur is in the top 10 legislative candidates with the most votes.

Based on the results of the plenary meeting recapitulating the vote count for the KPU for Bandung Regency and West Bandung Regency, the PDIP politician won the seats for 6 legislative candidates who qualified for Senayan from the West Java II electoral district.

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