Denny Cagur Habiskan Uang Miliaran untuk Kampanye: Ini Kan Hajat Besar

denny cagur maju jadi dpr dapil 2-@intipseleb-Instagram
Denny Cagur, based on the results of the plenary meeting of the West Bandung Regency KPU and Bandung Regency KPU, received a total of 58,043 votes.
In the West Java II electoral district, PDIP received 267,638 votes.
Denny Cagur's vote tally beat two other PDIP legislative candidates, namely artist Hengki Kurniawan who is the former Regent of West Bandung (48,428) and incumbent H. Yadi Srimulyadi (21,414).
Until now, Denny is still waiting for definite results to ensure that he really has passed.
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