Karir Teuku Ryan Melonjak Naik Usai Digugat Cerai Ria Ricis, Kakak Ipar Oki Ungkap Rasa Bangga!

Karir Teuku Ryan Melonjak Naik Usai Digugat Cerai Ria Ricis, Kakak Ipar Oki Ungkap Rasa Bangga!

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English Version :

JAKARTA, POSTINGNEWS.ID - Teuku Ryan was divorced by Ria Ricis, who had just been his legal wife for 2 years.

After being divorced by Ricis, Teuku Ryan's career actually took off, making his brother-in-law Oki feel proud of him.

Oki Setiana Dewi continues to support Teuku Ryan amidst the divorce lawsuit filed by his sister, Ria Ricis.

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Oki remains proud of Ryan by attending the gala premiere of Ryan's latest film, Journey to Prove Love.

"Proud! Thank God, he has a new work in early 2024. I will always support the work of our brothers and sisters. Hopefully we can continue to work and be proud. God willing," in Jakarta Wednesday, March 6 2024.

Even though he was divorced by his own younger sibling, Oki admitted that he was very proud of what Ryan did for him.

"After all, I am Ryan's older brother. So as an older brother, I want to continue to support him. "As long as we can, we will of course support him," added the actress of When Cinta Bertasbih.'

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For information, Ria Ricis is suing Ryan for divorce at the South Jakarta Religious Court, on January 30 2024.

It is known that this couple has been separated since December 2023, after returning from Umrah.

Ricis has never stated bluntly why she sued her husband for divorce.

However, from several of her comments on social media, Ria Ricis implied that her decision to sue for divorce was triggered by Teuku Ryan's reluctance to touch her since giving birth to their first child, on July 26 2022.

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