Viral Masakan Ayam Chili Padi, Begini Cara Buatnya

resep ayam chili padi-@fitriyas_widodo-Instagram
7. Ayam padi siap disajikan langsung sajikan hangat dengan nasi putih dan lauk pendamping lainnya.
English Version :
JAKARTA, POSTINGNEWS.ID - Currently viral is the chili rice chicken dish which tastes really delicious for you to eat.
Chili padi chicken is a processed chicken meat from Malaysia with a distinctive spicy sensation.
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This dish is fried chicken cooked again with chili spices.
If you are curious about how to make it, let's try following the recipe below.
- 1 chicken, cut into pieces according to taste
- 4 bay leaves
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- 2 lemongrass stalks, bruised
- 4 cm galangal, crushed
- 5 red chilies, thinly sliced (according to spicy taste)
- 3 cloves of garlic, finely chopped
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