Nekat Parah! Emak-emak Malah Gelar Piknik di Kuburan Sambil Bernyanyi, Netizen: Sedih Lihatnya

Nekat Parah! Emak-emak Malah Gelar Piknik di Kuburan Sambil Bernyanyi, Netizen: Sedih Lihatnya

emak emak viral joget dikuburan-@lambeh_turah-Instagram

The video was uploaded by a TikTok account called @ollaaaa05

Sadly, the mothers were singing and dancing on the tombstones of the graves.

“Other people had picnics on the beach. "We're having a picnic at the cemetery," wrote the video caption showing a crowd picnicking at the cemetery.

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In the video there are not only 1 or 2 mothers but there are 3 mothers who are highlighted in the video.

The festive atmosphere was further felt by the presence of a loudspeaker played by a man, presenting the rhythm of eastern Indonesian music.

Seen on the mat are various foods, drinks and fruit.

Not only did they bring picnic food, the group of mothers also brought sound to play music.

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When the music was played loud enough, they immediately started dancing while singing.

As if they didn't appreciate the mother's grave, they looked very relaxed, like they were on the beach.

Even though they were in the cemetery area, the group of mothers did not look afraid at all.

However, many netizens regretted the action of the mothers who had a picnic in the cemetery area while playing loud music.

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"Oh my God, why is it like that at the cemetery... even though you just pass in front of the grave and say hello," commented sadly on the account @cutinda1234.

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