Ini Ciri-ciri Rumah Pembawa Rezeki Berlimpah Menurut Ramalan Feng Shui

Ini Ciri-ciri Rumah Pembawa Rezeki Berlimpah Menurut Ramalan Feng Shui

ciri rumah pembawa rezeki-senivpetro -Freepik

7. Penerangan dan ventilasi: Pastikan rumah mendapat cukup cahaya alami dan ventilasi yang baik.

8. Fungsi ruangan yang jelas : Setiap ruangan harus mempunyai fungsi yang jelas dan memenuhi kebutuhan penghuninya.

9. Simbol positif: Tambahkan simbol positif, seperti simbol keberuntungan atau barang dekoratif yang mempunyai makna positif dalam budaya feng shui.

10. Ada bunga : Bunga di dalam rumah merupakan simbol kebahagiaan dan keindahan

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Alangkah baiknya kalian gunakan tanaman yang tidak berduri supaya rezeki kalian selalu lancar.

English Version :

JAKARTA, POSTINGNEWS.ID - According to feng shui, there is a characteristic of a house that is the door that opens up abundant fortune.

Everyone of course really wants abundant sustenance in order to be able to fulfill their daily needs in full.

For your information, feng shui is a science passed down by the Chinese people to regulate the balance of human life and the surrounding environment.

Not only is Chinese science famous, it also covers the whole world.

The following are the characteristics of a house that can bring good fortune according to Feng Shui:

1. A good direction can bring good fortune: suggests you choose an auspicious direction to build a house according to feng shui such as North or East.

2. Good main door: Make sure you use a clean main door, clean and easy to get in and out of so that clean sustenance comes without obstacles.

3. Spatial planning: Arrange the rooms in the house by paying attention to the direction and location according to feng shui so that good fortune runs smoothly.

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