Mengejutkan! Ria Ricis Sempat Ingin Operasi Implan Payudara Gara-gara Dihina Teuku Ryan

Mengejutkan! Ria Ricis Sempat Ingin Operasi Implan Payudara Gara-gara Dihina Teuku Ryan

Ria Ricis-Oleh Harrisvriza - YouTube: Harris Vriza & Ria Ricis Siap Menikah?? (Waktu: 0.22) – Lihat/simpan versi arsip di dan, CC BY 3.0,

JAKARTA, POSTINGNEWS.ID - It is surprising that Ricis wanted to undergo breast implant surgery so that her breasts would become bigger.

Ricis wanted to undergo the operation because she received insults from her current ex-husband Ryan for being a flat-chested woman.

This became popular after the divorce case between Ria Ricis and Teuku Ryan went viral.

Ricis and Ryan's divorce lawsuit was granted by the Panel of Judges at the South Jakarta Religious Court on Friday, May 3 2024.

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The sentences that came out of Teuku Ryan's mouth to Ria Ricis are also contained in the case in the Directory of Decisions of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia, SOUTH JAKARTA PA Decision Number 547/Pdt.G/2024/PA.JS.

In fact, Ricis as a wife has used all kinds of methods to be able to get a living from Ryan.

"The Plaintiff tried to take the Defendant to a hospital and alternative treatment in the hope that the Defendant would regain his desire to provide inner sustenance to the Plaintiff. He had even tried through ruqyah and even bought supplements that could increase passion and other similar supplements, but the Defendant took them to playing football," read the divorce case between Ria Ricis and Teuku Ryan.

"The Plaintiff felt that she was bad, despicable, unwanted and psychologically depressed after giving birth because she did not receive love and inner support from the Defendant as her husband, so she thought about changing the shape of her breasts (implant surgery) so that the Defendant would be attracted to the Plaintiff again, because previously the Defendant had said, "Your body is too thin, it's better to eat a lot." Including commenting on the Plaintiff's chest which the Defendant considered flat," he continued.

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It is also clear in the case letter that Ricis has not received financial support since his child was 8 months old.

"That the Plaintiff and Defendant have never had a relationship like husband and wife since the child named CHILD I was 8 (eight) months old or at least since January 2023, which in detail the Plaintiff describes as follows: - Lack of mental support from the Defendant, "Husband and wife relations began to become rare since the second (second) trimester of pregnancy. Until finally before the day of delivery, the doctor said that the Plaintiff could not have a normal birth because one of the factors was the lack of husband and wife relationship," continued Ria Ricis and Teuku Ryan's divorce case.

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