Jenazah Donny Kesuma Akan Dimakamkan Hari ini di TPU Tanah Kusir

donny kesuma meninggal dunia-@intipseleb-Instagram
English Version :
JAKARTA, POSTINGNEWS.ID - Sad news from the entertainment world is that Donny Kesuma passed away on Tuesday, March 19 2024.
Donny Kesuma breathed his last breath at Primaya Hospital, Bekasi, West Java.
Reportedly from the family, the body will be buried today, Wednesday, March 20 2024 at Tanah Kusir TPU.
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"Father's funeral is planned at Tanah Kusir TPU," said Ghassaan Kesuma when met at the funeral home in the Galaxy housing complex, Bekasi, West Java, Tuesday, March 19 2024.
Ghassaan, who is grieving, is currently reluctant to comment much because the funeral process is being handled so he doesn't yet know the results.
"We don't know what time it will be, we just plan to bury him in Tanah Kusir," explained Ghassaan.
The news of Donny Kesuma's death was first reported by artist Feryy Maryadi on his Instagram account.
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In the upload, Ferry said goodbye to Donny Kesuma via his Instagram account.
"Hopefully khusnul khotimah, Kang Don," wrote Ferry Maryadi, quoted from the account @kangferrymaryadi.
Before he died, Donny had been undergoing treatment at a hospital in the Bekasi area since March 16.
Donny was treated because he had a weak heart which caused him to die yesterday.
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