Terjadi Lagi, Viral Mantu Dijadikan Babu Oleh Mertua Saat Hamil

Terjadi Lagi, Viral Mantu Dijadikan Babu Oleh Mertua Saat Hamil

mertua jadikan mantu babu-@ohmygeat-Instagram

"Harus sabar bagaimana lagi tinggal di rumah mertua," tulis akun @hsgas.

"Walaupun hamil aku tetap mengerjakan ini walaupun bukan kewajibanku," tulis akun @bagsaj.

"Malam pun aku bantai demi besok pagi aku bisa bangun lebih sedikit lama,"tulis akun @viorasla.

"Tapi aku salah, mertua masih bilang harus bangun pagi." tulis akun @binagts.

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English Version :

JAKARTA, POSTINGNEWS.ID - Again, there was a case between the in-laws and in-laws who lived under the same roof and were made into babes by their in-laws when they were pregnant.

This viral in-law tells the sad story of living with in-laws who couldn't understand her situation when she was pregnant.

The viral story about her pregnant daughter-in-law was uploaded by the Instagram account @ohmeygatt.

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When she was pregnant, the time she should have been able to use to rest was simply spent cleaning the house.

Starting from mopping, brushing the bathroom, even taking part in making cakes to sell.

If the nausea and vomiting were even a little, his in-laws would call him too much.

Viral on social media is the story of a wife who lives at her in-laws' house.

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