Cara Menebalkan Rambut Hanya dengan Gunakan Lidah Buaya, Bonus Anti Ketombe!

Cara Menebalkan Rambut Hanya dengan Gunakan Lidah Buaya, Bonus Anti Ketombe!

Lidah buaya bisa menebalkan rambut---Pixabay

Not only can this ingredient thicken your hair, it can even keep you from getting dandruff.

Dandruff is also a hair problem which, as we know, can make the head itchy.

There are also many other benefits of aloe vera for hair that you need to know, including:

- Strengthens hair roots

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- Prevent excessive hair loss

- Increase hair volume

- Prevents the appearance of gray hair

Here are the ingredients you can use to make your hair thick just by using aloe vera:

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- 1 stem of fresh aloe vera

- 1 spoon of olive oil

- 1 clean bowl

- 1 wide-toothed comb

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