Inilah Alasan Polisi Tahan Siskaee

Kasus terbaru siskaee-Deddy Corbuzier-Youtube
Siskaee's avoidance of summons certainly hampered the progress of the examination process.
"Because the other suspects were cooperative during the investigation or examination process or requests for information carried out by investigators against the suspects," explained Ade Safri.
"As an investigator, we view that at this time there is no need to detain other suspects," added Ade Safri.
Siskaeee is now charged with Article 8 in conjunction with Article 34 of Law Number 44 of 2008 concerning Pornography, punishable by a maximum imprisonment of 10 years and/or a maximum fine of IDR 5 billion.
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Siskaeee had previously been summoned to be questioned as a suspect on Monday, January 8 2024 but was absent due to a family event.
The police again scheduled an examination of Siskaeee on Friday, January 19 2024 but he again failed to show up.
However, Siskaeee was absent and asked the police to postpone the examination.
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This is because Siskaeee is currently submitting a pre-trial regarding the determination of suspect status to the South Jakarta District Court (PN).
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