Inilah Alasan Polisi Tahan Siskaee

Kasus terbaru siskaee-Deddy Corbuzier-Youtube
Siskaeee sebelumnya sudah dipanggil untuk diperiksa sebagai tersangka pada Senin, 8 Januari 2024 tetapi mangkir karena alasan ada acara kekeluargaan.
Kepolisian kembali menjadwalkan pemeriksaan Siskaeee pada Jumat, 19 Januari 2024 tetapi kembali mangkir.
Namun Siskaeee absen dan meminta polisi menunda pemeriksaan tersebut.
Sebab, Siskaeee tengah mengajukan praperadilan atas penetapan status tersangka itu ke Pengadilan Negeri (PN) Jakarta Selatan.
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English Version :
JAKARTA, POSTINGNEWS.ID - Siskaee has been forcibly arrested by investigators due to the case that is happening to him.
As we know, the case that is currently affecting Siskaee is the case of him acting in a pornographic film.
Siska was forcibly arrested because she was reluctant to comply with the summons made by investigators.
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I've been called twice but Siska still doesn't show up.
This was explained by the Director of Special Investigation at Polda Metro Jaya, Ade Safri Simanjuntak.
Now Siskaee is being held at the Polda Metro Jaya detention center.
"Detention efforts will be carried out by investigators taking into account the needs and interests of the investigation, because Siskaeee has been absent from the investigator's summons twice, and this is clearly hampering the fingerprinting process currently being carried out by the Investigation Team in handling the a quo case," said Ade Safri Simanjuntak in Polda Metro Jaya Wednesday, January 24 2024.
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