Sisa 2 Hari Lagi! Ayo Buruan Ngelamar Kerja di BRI Brilian Banking Officer Program Batch 1
![Sisa 2 Hari Lagi! Ayo Buruan Ngelamar Kerja di BRI Brilian Banking Officer Program Batch 1](
loker bri link 2024---Istimewa
- Willing to be placed in all BRI Work Units. Preferably domiciled in the local Work Unit
The tasks that you will carry out are:
- Carry out marketing activities for loans, savings, BRILink and other bank services.
- Initiate and analyze loan proposals.
BACA JUGA:5 Sunscreen Terbaik untuk Atasi Kulit Kusam
- Provide guidance to BRI Unit customers and BRILink Agents.
If you are accepted, you will be placed according to your current needs, including:
Placement Location:
- RO Jakarta 1: Kalimalang, Rawamangun, Kemayoran, Tanjung Priok, Otista, and Tanah Abang.
BACA JUGA:Resep Enak dan Mudah Membuat Pangsit Kuah Viral
- RO Jakarta 2: South Jakarta, Bekasi, Bogor, Cibinong, Depok, Cikarang, Cikampek, Karawang.
- RO Jakarta 3: West Jakarta, Tangerang & South Tangerang, Serang, Cilegon, Pandeglang, Labuan, Balaraja, Rangkasbitung, Ketapang and West Kalimantan.
If you are interested, please fill in the registration form and follow the step by step via the link
You need to remember that there are no fees charged during the recruitment process.
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