10 Cara Menjaga Daya Tahan Tubuh Agar Tidak Gampang Sakit Saat Musim Hujan!

Rabu 31-01-2024,11:12 WIB
Reporter : Restu Herlambang
Editor : Priya Satrio

-Consume foods rich in vitamins C, D and zinc, such as oranges, kiwi, salmon and nuts.

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2. Drink Enough Water:

-Make sure to stay hydrated by drinking enough water every day.

-Consume warm tea or broth to help maintain body temperature and provide moisture.

3. Get Enough Rest:

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-Make sure your body gets enough rest every night.

-Enough sleep supports immune system function.

4. Maintain Cleanliness:

-Wash your hands regularly with soap and water to prevent the spread of infection.

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-Avoid touching your face, especially your nose, mouth and eyes, without washing your hands first.

5. Physical Activity:

-Stay active by exercising regularly to improve blood circulation and the immune system.

-Choose indoor sports if the weather is bad.

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