- Gunakan salep antibiotik dan oleskan sebelum luka ditutup dengan plaster dan pastikan tertutup dengan rapih.
- Rutin mengganti plaster dan membersihkan luka bekas gigitan tikus agar tidak membau dan membusuk.
Jangan kalian diamkan terlalu lama, apabila tidak kunjung membaiknya sebaik kamu datangi tim medis untuk diberi penanganan dan diberikan obat lebih lanjut.
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English Version :
JAKARTA, POSTINGNEWS.ID - There have been many incidents of someone being poisoned by rats in parts of their body, whether in the feet or hands and so on.
Of course, rat bites are very dangerous, they can cause fever and headaches.
If you leave mice idle while they are unemployed, it can of course cause you to get a tetanus infection.
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The other symptoms if you experience an infection from a rat bite are:
1. Fever may come and go or occur repeatedly
2. Swelling or bite wounds turn into ulcers
3. Swollen lymph nodes
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4. Rash all over the body or only in the area around the rat bite wound
If you have been bitten by a rat, there is first aid you can do, namely by: