Harga Emas Antam Hari Ini Selasa 18 Februari 2025: Saatnya Memborong?

Harga Emas Antam Hari Ini Selasa 18 Februari 2025: Saatnya Memborong?

Harga Antam Hari Ini Selasa 18 Februari 2025-Ilustrasi-Istimewa

Harga emas 50 gram: Rp81.045.000

Harga emas 100 gram: Rp162.012.000

Harga emas 250 gram: Rp404.765.000

Harga emas 500 gram: Rp809.320.000

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Harga emas 1.000 gram: Rp1.618.600.000

Harga ini dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu tergantung pada pergerakan pasar dan faktor ekonomi global.

English Version :

JAKARTA, POSTINGNEWS.ID - There are Antam prices that you must know today, Tuesday 18 February 2025.

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Every day, the price of gold experiences changes which are influenced by various factors, such as global market fluctuations, the rupiah exchange rate against the dollar, and domestic demand.

For those of you who want to buy or sell gold, knowing the latest prices is very important to determine the right investment steps.

The following is a list of Antam gold bullion prices based on their weight today, Tuesday 18 February 2025:

Price of 0.5 gram gold: IDR 889,000

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