Viral Pernikahan Ala Anak Gunung, Dekorannya Perabotan Unik!

Viral Pernikahan Ala Anak Gunung, Dekorannya Perabotan Unik!

Viral Pernikahan ala Anak Gunung Dekorannya Perabotan Daki [email protected]

The bride and groom went viral because the decoration contained mountain climbing furniture.

The mountain child style wedding video went viral after being uploaded by TikTok @pengenfypppp27.

"When you come to a mountain child's wedding," wrote the video caption @pengenfypppp27.

In the video, he shows on the aisle a chair complete with a folding table and cooking utensils when he was on the mountain. There is also a tent which is part of the decoration and is placed next to the aisle.

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With this video, many netizens commented on the video.

"My wedding my adventure," said TikTok user @222cia.

"Sakinah mawadah wahkemah," said the account @cmiiw.

"AHAHAHAHAHA SO FUNNY," said the account @prl_.

@pengenfypppp27 trend yang sulit ditiru, puncak yang sesungguhnyaa #pendaki #pendakigunung #trend ♬ original sound - Romancevibe???? - mimi

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