Promo Cashback Kopi Kenangan Rp 9.000, Besok Terakhi Lho!

Promo Cashback Kopi Kenangan Rp 9.000, Besok Terakhi Lho!

Terakhir Esok Hari Yuk Ambil Promo Cashback Rp 9.000 Kopi Kenangan-@bankjago-Instagram

Cashback akan dikirimkan maksimal 7 hari kerja setelah transaksi.

Promo berlaku untuk semua pengguna Jago.

English Version :

JAKARTA, POSTINGNEWS.ID - Come on, hurry up and grab the attractive promo from Kopi Kenangan which you can take to get cashback of up to IDR 9,000.

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This promotion is very attractive and you can take it if your payment transaction uses Bank Jago.

You can enjoy this attractive promotion for all outlets where the promotion is still available.

The conditions for getting the Kopi Kenangan promo are:

The promo period is valid until 31 December 2024

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IDR 9,000 cashback on Kopi Kenangan, Kenangan Heritage, Kenangan Signature, and Satu Kenangan using QRIS Jago

Promo is valid for a minimum purchase of IDR 25,000

Promo applies to purchases of all products.

Promo is valid for 1 (one) user a week.

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