Promo Menarik Pizza Hut Delivery Setiap Senin-Jumat: 2 Pizza dan 2 Minuman Cuma Rp 55.000!
Promo Menarik Pizza Hut Delivery Setiap Senin Sampai Jumat 2 Pizza & 2 Minuman Cuma Rp 55.000 Aja-@giladiskon-Instagram
You can enjoy this promo until the end of December 2024.
You can take this attractive Pizza Hut Delivery promotion to purchase 2 pizzas and 2 drinks for only IDR 55,000.
The Pizza Hut Delivery promo is valid on weekday specials every Monday to Friday until January 3 2025.
Also get this PHD promo for only IDR 27,500 per person or a total of IDR 55,000 for a meal for two.
BACA JUGA:SIKAT! Promo ShopeeFood Diskon Hemat Hari Ini, Klaim Voucher Potongan Harganya!
The price in the Pizza Hut Delivery promo is the price before tax.
This PHD promo can be a recommendation for lunch.
Immediately order the latest PHD promo for dining for two, specifically for take away, delivery and online motorbike taxis.
Visit the website or the Pizza Hut Indonesia application to get this latest PHD promo.
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