Akibat Malas Nyusun Skripsi, Wanita Ini Pilih Menikah Muda Tapi...

Gegara Malas Nyusun Skripsi Wanita Ini Lebih Memilih "Nikah Muda" Tapi Berujung Jadi "Janda"-@hepikiyow8w.-TikTok
JAKARTA, POSTINGNEWS.ID - It went viral on social media where there was a woman who admitted that she was lazy about writing her thesis and preferred to marry young.
The woman confided in her TikTok account @hepikiyow8w.
In fact, before getting married, this woman was in her final year of college.
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The video upload shows the moment when he got married in 2019, wearing a white kebaya and Sundanese siger.
However, his marriage did not last long and ended up divorcing in 2024.
"It's a shame to write a thesis about getting married young in 2019 but being a widow in 2024. The lesson? "It's better to just write a thesis until you don't pass, that's okay, bro," wrote the account.
With this upload, many netizens commented on the video.
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"Okay, I'm finishing this thesis that I haven't touched for 3 years," wrote @Mrs.
"Wow, I immediately got up and took my laptop," wrote the account @Pip***
"There is a lot of buzz about young marriages, finally someone made me realize it was better to do my thesis," wrote @nov.
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