Akibat Malas Nyusun Skripsi, Wanita Ini Pilih Menikah Muda Tapi...

Akibat Malas Nyusun Skripsi, Wanita Ini Pilih Menikah Muda Tapi...

Gegara Malas Nyusun Skripsi Wanita Ini Lebih Memilih "Nikah Muda" Tapi Berujung Jadi "Janda"-@hepikiyow8w.-TikTok

JAKARTA, POSTINGNEWS.ID - It went viral on social media where there was a woman who admitted that she was lazy about writing her thesis and preferred to marry young.

The woman confided in her TikTok account @hepikiyow8w.

In fact, before getting married, this woman was in her final year of college.

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The video upload shows the moment when he got married in 2019, wearing a white kebaya and Sundanese siger.

However, his marriage did not last long and ended up divorcing in 2024.

"It's a shame to write a thesis about getting married young in 2019 but being a widow in 2024. The lesson? "It's better to just write a thesis until you don't pass, that's okay, bro," wrote the account.

With this upload, many netizens commented on the video.

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"Okay, I'm finishing this thesis that I haven't touched for 3 years," wrote @Mrs.

"Wow, I immediately got up and took my laptop," wrote the account @Pip***

"There is a lot of buzz about young marriages, finally someone made me realize it was better to do my thesis," wrote @nov.

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