Menjelang Pilkada, Viral Aksi Emak-emak Pendukung ASIH Joget Lagu 'Coblos Botakna'

Menjelang Pilkada, Viral Aksi Emak-emak Pendukung ASIH Joget Lagu 'Coblos Botakna'

Menjelang Pilkada, Viral Aksi Emak-emak Pendukung ASIH Joget Lagu 'Coblos Botakna-@ithaa157-TikTok

"Silih asah silih ASIH silih asuh pilih ASIH No 3" ujar srimulyaningsihkawalu.

English Version :

JAKARTA, POSTINGNEWS.ID - Next November we will enter the month of simultaneous regional elections in 2024.

Currently in the campaign period, something went viral from ASIH supporters for candidate for governor and Deputy Governor of West Java number 3.

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Mothers went viral after they sang a song entitled 'Coblos Botakna' as support for ASIH couples.

"Number 3 hayu choose West Java ASIH. Vote botakna vote botakna vote bals botakna hayu vote number 3," reads the song, the video of which was uploaded by the TikTok account belonging to @ithaa157.

In a post, the TikTok account named @ithaa157 uploaded a video supporting the ASIH couple so that all people in their area would vote for ASIH.

Not only singing, it was clear that a number of mothers were dancing happily while accompanied by the song 'Poblos Botakna'.

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It's not just mothers, even a man with a shaved head similar to Ilham Habibie is also seen dancing in the video.

When the song sounded "Coblos botakna, vote botakna, vote botakna" the mothers all pointed at the man's shaved head in unison.

This video also received various comments from netizens and quite a few of them are also ready to support the ASIH pair in the 2024 West Java gubernatorial election.

"I chose Jabar Asih because of its knowledge of Islamic religion," said Abah Sajira.

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