Polisi Ungkap Motif Suster yang Aniaya Anak Emy Aghnia

Polisi Ungkap Motif Suster yang Aniaya Anak Emy Aghnia

Polisi Ungkap Motif Suster Yang Aniaya Anak Emy Aghnia-@intipseleb-Instagram

On the other hand, Aghnia Punjabi does not believe the IPS reasons at all.

According to Reinukky Abidharma's wife, the reason is unreasonable.

"This doesn't make sense, he said it was because he didn't want treatment. That's all. So the motive is still being investigated by the police," said Aghnia Punjabi on the same occasion.

Emy Aghnia wants this case to be as fair as possible because she cannot stand her child's current condition.

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