Polisi Ungkap Motif Suster yang Aniaya Anak Emy Aghnia
Polisi Ungkap Motif Suster Yang Aniaya Anak Emy Aghnia-@intipseleb-Instagram
"Ini tidak masuk akal, bilangnya karena dia nggak mau diobatin. Hanya itu. Jadi motifnya sampai sekarang masih didalami lagi oleh pihak kepolisian," ujar Aghnia Punjabi dalam kesempatan yang sama.
Emy Aghnia ingin kasus ini sampai dengan seadil-adilnya karena tidak tahan dengan kondisi anaknya saat ini.
English Version :
JAKARTA, POSTINGNEWS.ID - The Malang police revealed the motive for the abuse by Emy Aghnia's child, a Malang Instagram celebrity.
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Cana, Emy Aghnia's child, was abused by her own nun until she was badly battered.
This was clearly caught on CCTV which led to this case being escalated to the police because of the strong evidence.
The police revealed the motive for the abuse.
The incident started with the suspect's annoyance at the victim who did not want to be treated.
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"This suspect felt irritated with the victim because at that time the victim wanted treatment because of the scratch marks on the victim's body, but the victim refused," said Danang, quoting from a live broadcast from the Malang City Police, Saturday, March 30 2024.
Not only that, there are also other personal factors that make IPS reckless in committing violence against their employer's children.
"The suspect admitted that there were several personal motivating factors, the suspect admitted that at that time one of his family members was sick," he continued.
Even so, this personal problem was considered invalid as an excuse to carry out violence against JAP.
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