Anak Indigo Hard Gumay Bongkar Isi DM Stevie Agnecya Sebelum Wafat: Selamat Jalan...

Anak Indigo Hard Gumay Bongkar Isi DM Stevie Agnecya Sebelum Wafat: Selamat Jalan...

hard gumay bongkar isi dm stevie-@intipseleb-Instagram

BACA JUGA:Lebih Afdol Mana, Bayar Zakat Pakai Uang Atau Beras? Buya Yahya: 'Ada Madzhab Besar'

Many netizens suspect that the DM given by Hard Gumay was a way for Stevie to treat his black magic.

"Bro, please help explain. You have a feeling about Stevie's death, Bro." Write the account @harsaa.

"Is Stevie Agnecya really being blackmailed by Bang Gumay?" said the account @tarsaha.

"Brother, can you help explain the cause of the late Stevie's death. Is it true that he died because of black magic?" said the account @monitasa.

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