Anak Indigo Hard Gumay Bongkar Isi DM Stevie Agnecya Sebelum Wafat: Selamat Jalan...

Anak Indigo Hard Gumay Bongkar Isi DM Stevie Agnecya Sebelum Wafat: Selamat Jalan...

hard gumay bongkar isi dm stevie-@intipseleb-Instagram

BACA JUGA:BMKG Peringatkan DKI Jakarta Diprediksi Akan Kedatangan Cuaca Ekstrem Hari Ini, 24 April 2024

"Apa Stevie Agnecya benar disantet Bang Gumay?" kata akun @tarsaha.

"Bang, bisa bantu jelaskan enggak, penyebab kematian almarhum Stevie. Apa benar dia meninggal karena disantet?"  kata akun @monitasa.

English Version :

JAKARTA, POSTINGNEWS.ID - Hard Gumay revealed the contents of the DM on his Instagram where the DM was a DM from Stevie Agnecya.

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Reportedly, Stevie contacted Hard Gumay before he fell seriously ill and died.

From the screenshot of Stevie's DM, it is known that the deceased had been sending the message for quite some time.

Stevie was seen greeting Hard Gumay and inviting him to get acquainted before conveying his meaning.

Good evening sis, nice to meet you. Where do you want to consult? Thank you," wrote Stevie Agnecya in her message as quoted from the Instagram account upload @hardgumay.

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In his upload, Hard Gumay expressed his hopes and prayers for the deceased and his family.

He also wrote a wise message that death is the fate of the Almighty.

"Allahummagh firlahaa waa warhamhaa wa'aafihaa wa'fuanhaa. O Allah, forgive him, grant mercy, health and forgiveness. May Allah give strength to the family left behind," he said.

"Hopefully the deceased will pass away peacefully. When someone dies, it is God's call. Goodbye Stevie." he closed.

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