Suami Stevie Agnecya Ungkap Rasa Rindu ke Almarhumah Istri: 'Kangen Kamu Sayang'

Suami Stevie Agnecya Ungkap Rasa Rindu ke Almarhumah Istri: 'Kangen Kamu Sayang'

Suami Stevie Agnecya Ungkap Rasa Rindu Sang Istri-@intipseleb-Instagram

Anggi juga mengatakan bahwa dirinya tidak mudah menjalani hari tanpa sang istri tercinta.

"Sekarang kamu udah tenang, ya, Stev. It has taken days to gather the strength to write this my dear, my wife, my other half..ours was a great love story that will continue someday ..," tulis Anggi. 

Sekadar infomasi bahwa Stevie menjadi mualaf setelah menikah dengan Anggi. 

English Version :

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JAKARTA, POSTINGNEWS.ID -5 Days after Stevie Agnecya's husband died, he expressed his deep longing for his wife.

Stevie's husband's name, Anggi, uploaded a photo of his wife Stevie who left him forever.

As we know, Stevie passed away on Thursday, March 21 2024.

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Anggi expressed her longing for her through uploads on her personal Instagram account.

The upload contains a photo of himself with Stevie and also his 3 children while Stevie was still in good health.

"Miss you darling," wrote Anggi as a caption for her upload.

Anggi also revealed the sentence he whispered to Stevie Agnecya, half an hour before his wife died.

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"'As a wife you have been a very good wife, and as a mother you have been perfect, there is nothing missing in my eyes...thank you for everything, I have never asked for more than this..." wrote Anggi.

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