Wah! Ivan Gunawan Mulai Terima Job Lagi Usai Kena Teguran KPI

Ivan Gunawan kena teguran KPI-@intipseleb-Instagram
"Jadi kita bakal kangen-kangenan hari Senin. Jadi aku mau tahu updatean Ayu Ting Ting seperti apa," tutup Igun.
English Version :
JAKARTA, POSTINGNEWS.ID - Ivan Gunawan was absent from the world of entertainment after he received a warning from KPI.
The warning given by KPI was a warning that hurt his heart because KPI was reprimanding the clothes he made himself.
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However, now Ivan is starting to re-enter the world of entertainment after being absent from the world of entertainment.
The man who is familiarly called Igun admitted that he was not traumatized when he received the warning.
He is also committed to appearing as he is, aka being himself as long as he does not harm other parties.
"No, I'm just used to being like this. I'm just being myself. I'm not traumatized like that (after being reprimanded by KPI)," said Ivan Gunawan in the Jakarta area Thursday, November 7 2024.
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Igun also explained his reasons for entering the world of entertainment again in the near future.
He also believes that there is nothing wrong with a public figure accepting a job when offered by TV.
"Yes, they're called workers, right? If you're told to come back, if you keep asking, then come back, why not," he said.
However, Igun will only fill in programs with Ayu Ting Ting and Wendy Cagur during the month of Ramadan.
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