Viral Seserahan Pernikahan di Jareng Ngasih Mobil Pajero Sport: 'Plat K Keras Lur!'

Viral Seserahan Pernikahan di Jareng Ngasih Mobil Pajero Sport: 'Plat K Keras Lur!'

nikahan viral di tiktok-@lambe_turah-Instagram

"Salam dari plat K hehe. siapa tau ada jodoh di sini," kata @Black.

"Seneng klo liat laki2 menghargai perempuan dan tdk merendahkan ya wlu pun ga terjadi PD diri sndri," kata @yahsa.

English Version :

JAKARTA, POSTINGNEWS.ID - Currently it is going viral on social media where there is a wedding with amazing decorations.

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The offerings were no joke, there was a Pajero sports car and also a cow.

This was shared by the TikTok account @_agusjp26.

In the video you can see offerings ranging from cows, goats, a Pajero Sport car and a white Vespa Primavera.

The wedding with luxurious offerings was held in the Purwodadi area, Grobogan, Central Java.

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"Hard K plate Lur," wrote the TikTok account @roms_1198 in the video.

The K plate is a K vehicle number plate covering the Pati, Grobogan, Kudus, Jepara, Cepu, Rembang and Blora areas.

Not only cars, motorbikes and cows, the groom, known as Agung, gave a truckload of bananas and basic necessities to his wife, Ella. Everything was transported using a pickup truck.

Many netizens have commented that the tradition of luxurious gifts like this is said to have become commonplace in Grobogan.

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