Viral Lirik Lagu Miguel - Sure Thing Speed Up di TikTok Terbaru 2023

Viral Lirik Lagu Miguel - Sure Thing Speed Up di TikTok Terbaru 2023

Lirik Lagu Miguel Sure Think---YouTube Channel

BACA JUGA:Seminggu Jelang Menikah, Kiky Saputri Peringatkan Calon Suami untuk Tidak Melakukan Hal Ini!

If you be the cash

I'll be the rubber band

You be the match

I will be a fuse, boom

Painter, baby, you could be the muse

I'm the reporter, baby, you could be the news

'Cause you're the cigarette and I'm the smoker

We raise a bet 'cause you're the joker

Checked off, you are the chalk

And I can be the blackboard

You can be the talk

And I can be the walk, yeah

BACA JUGA:Panas! Muak Terus-terusan Dihujat, Pihak Ferry Irawan Ancam Bongkar Aib Venna Melinda: 'Ingat ya, Ada Kasus di Bogor!'

Even when the sky comes falling

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