Jangan Malas! Ini 6 Olahraga Ringan yang Tetap Bisa Dilakukan Meski Sedang Berpuasa

Senin 18-03-2024,17:00 WIB
Reporter : Alviana Anugrahani Putri
Editor : Priya Satrio

2. Yoga or Static Gymnastics

Yoga or static exercises such as Pilates are good choices when fasting because the movements are gentle and focus on breathing.

3. Cycling

Cycling on a flat trail and not too intense can be a good choice to maintain fitness without stressing the body too much.

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4. Swimming

Swimming is a very refreshing sport and does not put a lot of pressure on the joints, suitable for doing during the fasting month.

5. Body Strength Sports

Body strength exercises such as lifting light weights or using your own body weight (bodyweight exercises) such as push-ups, sit-ups and squats can be done with appropriate intensity while fasting.

6. Stretching Exercises (Stretching)

Light stretching exercises help maintain body flexibility and reduce the risk of injury.

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