Aaliyah Massaid Nyaman dengan Thariq, Tapi Takut Nikah Muda

Jumat 02-02-2024,10:00 WIB
Reporter : Alviana Anugrahani Putri
Editor : Priya Satrio

"There's no way I would still want to live the way I am now but if I didn't feel appreciated, suitable, happy." He said in the video.

"If I didn't feel that way about him, it would have been better to just leave yesterday."

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"I don't like the relationship anymore, I'm hated, so what do I do?' "But if I'm still here, that means there's something really connected," explained Aaliyah.

Not only that, Aaliyah even admitted that she was very compatible when talking with her lover.

Tariq is also a very admirable, loving figure.

"It's like we can talk about work, daily life, studies, politics, life, it's all fun." he explained.

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"So it's not just anything else, it's just nice if there are people you can chat with. Moreover, we have a past that can lead to deep talks like that," added Aaliyah.

However, Aaliyah cannot confirm when she will get married in the near future.

"I'm really afraid to be asked about marriage like that. But yes, humans can only plan, Allah is the one who arranges everything," he answered.

With this video, netizens were busy commenting on the video.

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"Yeah, let's just get married quickly, it feels right and why waste time," wrote the account @tyaa.rk69.

"I like Aaliyah's character and words," wrote the account @akbarezapratama.

"Thoriq makes you comfortable, he is a mature guy who really respects women," wrote the account @nimastahta.

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