Promo Menarik KFC Jumat 7 Februari 2025: Makan 7 Ayam Cuma Rp 90.000 Aja!

Promo Menarik KFC Jumat 7 Februari 2025: Makan 7 Ayam Cuma Rp 90.000 Aja!

Promo Menarik KFC Jumat 7 Februari 2025-@giladiskon-Instagram

- Berlaku untuk dine in, take away, drive thru, aplikasi KFCku dan aplikasi marketplace.

- Harga tertera adalah harga terendah dan belum termasuk pajak yang berbeda di setiap daerah.

- Pembelian take away di kenakan biaya take away

English Version :

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JAKARTA, POSTINGNEWS.ID - There is an interesting promo from KFC that you can enjoy starting today, Friday 7 February 2025.

You can take this promotion to eat delicious 7 chickens for only IDR 90.00.

Your dinner moment becomes even more special with the KFC Crazy Deal Promo.

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Apart from the KFC Crazy Deal Promo, you can also get other interesting KFC Promos such as:

1. KFC Kremez Noodles

KFC style noodles now come complete with KFC's signature creme sauce which makes it even crunchier.

Plus toppings of chicken balls and minced chicken which make you addicted.

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There are choices from non-spicy, spicy, to EXTRA SPICY for those who dare to get hot.

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