Tips Dapatkan Bansos Mahasiswa Kota Tangerang Senilai Rp 6 Juta, Dibagikan Cuma SekalI!

Tips Dapatkan Bansos Mahasiswa Kota Tangerang Senilai Rp 6 Juta, Dibagikan Cuma SekalI!

Cara Dapatkan Bansos Mahasiswa Kota Tangerang Rp 6 Juta, Pembagiannya Hanya 1 Kali!---Istimewa

2. Not currently receiving educational assistance from other parties

The requirements you must fulfill are:

1. Registered with DTKS

2. Tangerang City e-KTP

BACA JUGA:5 Bocoran Kode Promo Gojek Terbaru Hari Ini, Senin 13 Januari 2025

3. Family Card

4. Proof of acceptance into higher education for new students

5. Active student certificate for current semester students

6. Transcript of last grades

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7. Stamped statement letter of not currently receiving assistance for education costs from other parties

8. Active bank account number


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