Promo JSM Indomaret 2 November 2024: Potongan Harga Kecap Bango dan Mie Sedaap

Promo JSM Indomaret 2 November 2024 : Ada Potongan Harga Kecap Bango dan Mie Sedaap-@indomaret-Instagram
Tak hanya itu saja kalian juga bisa beli 1 gratis 1 hadir untuk Fiesta bakso atau sausage dan siomay.
Jangan lewatkan juga promo sabun mandi Nuvo 400 ml semua varian Rp 12.900 atau sabun cuci piring Mama Lemon 680 ml semua varian Rp 8.500.
English Version :
JAKARTA, POSTINGNEWS.ID - Indomaret is holding a JSM promo starting from November 1, 2024 to November 3, 2024.
In the JSM Indomaret promo this time, lots of kitchen and other necessities are being sold at low prices.
You really have to take this promotion because it's still at the beginning of the payday month.
In the JSM Indomaret promo this weekend, there is a Bango sweet soy sauce promo which is sold at a low price.
Not only that, there is also a promotion for Blue Band multipurpose margarine, buy 2 and save just IDR 16,000 thousand.
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Also get discounts on drinks or snacks to accompany your daily activities for friends this weekend.
Not only that, there are also promos for ABC, Good Day and Chitato milk coffee.
You can also take the So Klin 800 ml fragrance promo, all variants according to your favorite fragrance.
You can also shop for Shinzu'i 400 ml bath soap in all variants for just IDR 20,900 in this Indomaret JSM promo.
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