Tukang Parkir Viral Ngelapin Kendaraan yang Parkir, Videonya Banyak Raih Respect Warganet
video viral- @mbuug5.-TikTok
"Kasih 10k pun gak masalah ini, bukan karna udah dilap sekalian, tapi karna beliau udh jujur dan amanah jadi tukang parkir," sambung @noname.
"Ya Allah bapak itu rumahnya di Kuningan deket UNY, rumah bapak ibu unik bgt deket rumahik, yg di NY pasti kenal," ungkap @selaras.
"Real ges aku pernah gak ada duit kecil buat bayar, bapak itu blng bawa aja, tp ttp diseberangin ke jalan raya, dan bapaknya ttp ramah. But next ketemu bapaknya terus kasih lebih," butterscotch.
"Lengah dikit nyuci motor," pungkas @safira.
English Version :
JAKARATA, POSTINGNEWS.ID- There is a parking attendant who has gone viral on social media because he not only parks vehicles but also wipes out parked vehicles.
Not only that, the parking attendant even crossed vehicles that wanted to cross.
The video was uploaded by a TikTok account @mbuug5.
You can see in the video the figure of a parking attendant who is not only present when the motorbike owner wants to leave, but is truly dedicated to his work.
Visitors' motorbikes are cleaned, from helmets to the entire body of the vehicle.
Of course, this parking attendant's action immediately drew positive reactions from netizens.
In fact, many are willing to give more money because of their extraordinary dedication.
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