Giring Ganesha Mengaku Menyesal Keluar dari Grup Band Nidji, Ini Alasannya

Giring Ganesha Mengaku Menyesal Keluar dari Grup Band Nidji, Ini Alasannya

Giring Ganesa Menyesal Cabut dari Nidji dan Lebih Memilih Politik-@giring-Instagram

English Version :

JAKARTA, SEMARAKNEWS.CO.ID - Giring Ganesha admitted that he had regrets after leaving the singing group "Nidji"

At that time, Giring became a famous vocalist in the group.

Giring expressed his regrets when filling in The Loenardo's YouTube content.

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Giring admitted that he regretted not being able to carry out his busy schedule at the same time. 

He only realized this when there were people who could actually do this, such as Pasha Ungu and Ahmad Dhani.

"Yes, there is regret, that part, because I thought, if others can do it, why couldn't they do it at that time," said Giring Ganesha, quoted from The Loenardo's YouTube channel, Friday, May 30 2024.

However, Giring had a specific reason for leaving Nidji, not because of political matters.

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However, Giring did not explain this reason in cyberspace.

"It's just that maybe there is a backstory that many people don't know and it can't be consumed publicly either," said the 40-year-old man.

Giring admitted that becoming party chairman was not an easy matter. Asked about his choice, he said he enjoyed the process of making an album more than worrying about party matters.

"I'll be honest, when I was general chairman, I was the most crazy, even though I was just blabbing, right? But when I became general chairman it was like wow, this is a different level," he said.

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