Terus Menerus Dituduh Santet Stevie Agnecya, Icha Annisa Faradilla Siap Datangi Keluarga Stevie

Terus Menerus Dituduh Santet Stevie Agnecya, Icha Annisa Faradilla Siap Datangi Keluarga Stevie

Icha Annisa Faradilla Siap Kunjungi Keluarga Stevie-@ichaannisafaradila-Instagram

JAKARTA, POSTINGNEWS.ID - He did not accept that he was accused of being the mastermind behind the death of Stevie, who was said to have been affected by black magic.

Icha Annisa also took action so that netizens would stop accusing her of being the one who cheated on Stevie.

Icha admitted that she wanted to meet Stevie's family to build a friendly relationship.

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However, the meeting cannot be confirmed yet, because we are still waiting for a response from other parties.

"There is a plan but we'll just have to wait and see what the response from the parties there will be. When they want to meet, let's just do whatever we want," said Ina Rachman as attorney at a press conference in the Cilandak area of ​​South Jakarta, Saturday, March 30 2024.

Not only that, as attorney Icha Ina Rachman said that her client received support and encouragement from several people. But unfortunately, there is still criticism from some netizens even though they openly don't know about the problem.

"Thank God there are still many people who support us. They know the real story. This is blasphemous because they don't know the story," said Ina.

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Meanwhile, when asked about plans to make a pilgrimage to Stevie Agnecya's grave, Icha Annisa admitted that she had plans to make a pilgrimage. However, he has not yet confirmed when he will visit the grave of Anggi Pratama's wife.

"(There are plans to visit the grave) Insha Allah," said Icha Annisa briefly.

As we know, netizens accused Icha Annisa Faradila of teasing Stevie because Stevie and Icha had an argument about the diet medicine business.

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