5 Arti Mimpi Hamil Menurut Primbon Jawa

5 Arti Mimpi Hamil Menurut Primbon Jawa

arti mimpi hamil---Pixabay

Dan ini bisa jadi pertanda sebuah amalan dari tuhan yang musti kamu jaga baik-baik.

English Version :

JAKARTA, POSTINGNEWS.ID - You must know that in the Javanese Primbon it turns out to have a meaning if you dream that you are pregnant.

Pregnancy is a blessing from God that we cannot ask for and cannot refuse.

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In general, dreams are a normal subconscious activity experienced by humans.

Until now, there are still many people who believe in the Javanese primbon predictions, especially in Javanese society.

But you need to rememer, you should not believe this completely because this is just a prediction.

Here are 5 meanings of dreams about being pregnant according to Javanese primbon that you can know:

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1. Good wishes will come true

If you dream of being pregnant, you will get the wish you have been waiting for according to the Javanese Primbon.

You have to continue to be patient and try to live or achieve a dream.

This is done so that you can get what you want quickly and easily.

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