Ini Krim Wajah Alami dari 2 Bahan yang Bisa Buat Sendiri di Rumah

Ini Krim Wajah Alami dari 2 Bahan yang Bisa Buat Sendiri di Rumah

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BACA JUGA:Ramalan Primbon Jawa, Daun Salam Bisa Jadi Penambah Rezeki dan Pengusir Mahkluk Halus

English Version :

JAKARTA, POSTINGNEWS.ID - You can make your own face cream at home where this cream can make you glow.

Glowing facial skin is of course the dream of many people because it gives the impression of being cleaner.

If you use this natural cream ingredient for 3 days in a row, it will certainly make your face glow quickly.

BACA JUGA:Ajib! 3 Buah Ini Bisa Bikin Kulit Kamu Glow Up Secara Alami

This cream is very effective for those of you who have dull and oily facial skin.

In short, dull skin describes a facial condition that is not bright and fresh.

Usually, this condtion appears after a gradual buildup of dirt on the face due to exposure to pollution and the effects of sunlight after activities.

As a result, over time this process will contaminate the skin, causing its natural shine to disappear.

BACA JUGA:Kebiasaan Makan Seblak Bisa Memicu 3 Penyakit Mematikan ini, Waspadalah!

A person who is continuously exposed to sunlight can also cause pigmentation on the skin.

The ingredients needed to make this natural cream are egg yolk, yoghurt, honey and lemon juice.

Where the benefits of egg yolk are very good for your facial health.

The first benefit you can get from egg yolk is that it can help moisturize your face.

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