Ini 5 Tanda Bayi Kedinginan Saat Musim Hujan Tiba, Cegah Sekarang Juga!

Ini 5 Tanda Bayi Kedinginan Saat Musim Hujan Tiba, Cegah Sekarang Juga!

tanda bayi kedinginan---Pinterest

English Version:

JAKARTA, POSTINGNEWS.ID - The rainy season has now arrived. If you have a baby at home, you have to pay attention to their body condition.

The weather when it rains is very cold and this is felt by many babies, teenagers and adults.

However, it is different for adults who can take action when they are cold.

A baby cannot take action when he feels cold.

You as parents must pay attention and know the signs that your baby is feeling cold.

Don't be careless about your baby's condition so that he remains healthy when the rainy season arrives.

1. Hands and Feet Feel Cold

If your baby is feeling cold, you can feel it by holding his feet and hands.

If it's cold, it's a sign that your baby is cold.

If it's cold, you as a parent must take action by wearing socks and not using the air conditioner.

2. Skin looks pale

The second sign is that your baby will look pale because he feels excessively cold.

If this has happened, you can take action to cover the baby's body with a blanket or do skin-to-skin with the baby in the blanket.

Not only that, you can also wear a hat to keep your baby's head warm.

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