4 Rekomendasi Parfum Pria di Alfamart dan Indomaret, Wanginya Bikin Cewek Auto Nempel

4 Rekomendasi Parfum Pria di Alfamart dan Indomaret, Wanginya Bikin Cewek Auto Nempel

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BACA JUGA:8 Rekomendasi Minyak Wangi Wanita, Wanginya Segar Tahan Lama

JAKARTA, POSTINGNEWS.ID - Men you must know that there are 4 types of perfume available at Alfa and Indomaret, the smell is very good.

If you use this perfume, of course the girls will automatically stick to you without being strong enough to smell it.

This perfume is also very pocket friendly, you can buy it at any time at the minimarket.

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A man who smells good is of course a characteristic and makes women even more attractive.

Let's take a look at 3 recommendations for men's perfume that can make women crazy:

1. Gatsby White Up Dark Blue

There are Gatsby products where this perfume is very effective for you men to have a fragrant body.

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This perfume provides a modern, fragrant and fresh fragrance all day long.

This perfume is available at Indomaret and also Alfamart and the price is very cheap, only IDR 32 thousand per bottle.

2. Posh Men Brown Legacy

Available at Alfa and also Indomaret, this perfume is a posh product that is very good for men to use.

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